Thursday, March 14, 2013

Rec Room Reno ... Part Five

Another slow day in the rec room adventure!  But there were a few quality excuses:

Excuse #1:  The brown-clad UPS man delivered a brand-new super computer to J. After months and months of saving, pondering, analyzing, discussing, he made the commitment and ordered all the parts, most of which arrived yesterday.  Key component missing: power supply.  All this excitement waylaid the work crew an hour or so.

Excuse #2:  The electrical work that was on the roster for today is essentially a one-man job, that man being the boss.  So one crew member met with friends and the other donned his work duds.  This meant slower progress today.  A friend, R, dropped buy to see the rec room progress and after discussing the blocking in of the fireplace (see the frame?) he mentioned that while the ceiling was open, we may want to consider levelling the roof line.  ARGH!  Project creep means that we won't be done on time! Which means the temporary door will be up for much longer ...

And then, out of nowhere, a snow storm! It looked like an ideal Christmas morning, with huge lazy flakes and soft gusts of wind.  Scooby pranced and played and tired himself out.
Out of excuses, the guys got to work, installing light boxes and shimming the ceiling joists. Next: hooking up the electrical to the box for power!   

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