Sunday, March 17, 2013

Rec Room Reno ... Day Nine (End Phase One)

What a busy, busy, busy, work-filled week!

Today was mostly a one-man job, the man being P, the boss.  The man who took a week's holidays to work on renovating the rec room at his wife's request.  The man who gave up the annual trip to the beach in Florida.  Yep, he's an awesome man.

This is morning: 

This picture is for record-keeping purposes since it will be covered with drywall soon.
 This is late morning:

This is afternoon:   
 This is Scooby inspecting the day's work.
 This is Scooby, more interested in the raccoon outside.
Here's the finale!  The ceiling is drywalled. Pot lights and electrical outlet boxes are in. The walls are mostly vapour-barrier-ed (we ran out of supplies). The fireplace is framed in and capped at the top. The roof line has been reinforced and looks almost perfect from the outside. The temporary wall has come down, and there are sufficient supplies to continue drywalling next weekend.  Oh, must run out to get more vapour barrier!

Phase One is Complete!  
Must go fix that man a St. Patrick's Day thirst-quencher. He certainly deserves it.

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