Saturday, March 16, 2013

Rec Room Reno ... Part Eight

And on the eighth day, someone rested.  Is that right? Because there ain't been no restin' goin' on around here.

Maybe it was the seventh day that God rested.  I have been toiling without end and I am too tired to recall the specifics.  

The bottom line is that a rest would be really, really nice.

The day began with the kids cleaning out the back porch, putting the old mousey insulation and sagging drywall in the truck to take to the dump. Then J swept and vacuumed (clothes on) then moved the shop-vac back to the rec room (shirt off). Nice and tidy!

 Next, a trip to the dump.  Look who's driving!
 Next, putting up the insulation.  Who is that masked man?
 Insulation nearing completion.
 Insulation nearing completion.
 Need more insulation.
 Insulation completed!
Next, big awkward plastic sheets called "vapour barrier", which sounds civilized but is absolutely not when it comes to stapling it up on the ceiling.

 Out of ammo.  Need to re-load.
 Insulation complete! Vapour barrier nearing completion.  The temporary wall has fallen! Pieces of it are for sale on ebay. They come with a certificate of authentication. Get yours now!
 Scooby, with his new look courtesy of Jenn the groomer, looks on approvingly.
 Ah, a well-deserved break.  With a cake!  And fresh fruit!  A veritable feast for the labourers.

 Now, bringing in the drywall.  The boss demonstrates the most efficient way to handle it.  Hold your left hand like this and the right hand like this.  J pays close attention.
Completion!  What a day.  
Tomorrow is Day Nine.  The final day for this phase of the reno.  Whatever isn't accomplished tomorrow is going to have to wait for a few weeks until we can carve out a few more hours to tackle it.  Stay tuned!  

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