Friday, March 8, 2013

Finally ... Rec Room Reno, Part One

Finally!  We moved into this house almost four years ago, and we've been living, or surviving, with plywood floors ever since.  So now, on our spring break, we have enlisted the services of two local day labourers, S and J, to help with the renovation.
Step one: move out the furniture.

 Step two:  arrange furniture to mimic final layout, to see how it fits. 
Step three:  marvel at crazy seventies fireplace design. 

Step four:  ask shirtless day labourers to arrange TV in living room comfortably for the duration of the renovation. 

Step five:  remove snow from back deck to aid in the removal of debris during the demolition.  Try unsuccessfully to drive around trailer. Move trailer. Shovel snow around trailer and try again. Spin truck tires in mud.  Stand in the cool sunshine and think about driving to Florida to surprise grandparents, abandoning renovation entirely.
 Wonder when teen day labourer became such a great driver and how he can effortlessly steer truck and trailer through muck and snow with nary a four letter word. 
 Step six:  take final look around empty rec room. Smile at cute grafitti on hideous wallpaper.  Take note of important phone numbers in sharpie scrawl.

Let both day labourers have a well-deserved PS2 fun break after attaching all those snakey wires to make the TV work. 

Take a deep breath.

Tomorrow:  demolition day.

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