Thursday, December 22, 2011

Foyer Finish Line

The tile is well on its way to being finished in time for Christmas, to which I say a hearty "Yee haw!"  P started at the back door and worked his way past the newly tiled powder room and basement stairs.  This, of course, cut off access to the basement, which was going to limit our putting wood into the furnace. Then our brilliant son said to unlock the storm door, which opens onto a set of external stairs to the backyard.  So smart! P put on a parka and some snow boots and made it so.  Thus, we were able to remain toasty warm.  I'm sure P and I would have thought of it sooner or later. 

The challenge is keeping Scooby out of the mess and off the fresh tiles. We barricaded the kitchen off and closed the French doors in the living room, so that he could stay there, out if the way.

The next morning, once the first phase was dry, P started on the section towards the front door, still using the tile saw in the back porch.

The end is in sight!  We have to keep the front hall blocked off which means no using the front door, and no climbing on the tiles to get upstairs.  Yikes!  Our only functioning toilet is upstairs and I just had a GIANT glass of water.  Gotta go.

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