Friday, December 16, 2011

Finding a Tree

 The hunt begins.  There are pines, spruce, maples and hawthorn trees on our front property. I'm thankful that they chose a spruce.
It looked really good from 30 feet down, full and lush.  P oiled up the trusty chainsaw and got busy.  But, it had a mind of its own and fell a few feet east of the intended target, in the branches of a pine tree.
 To loosen it up and get it free of the pine, P cut a chunk of the trunk, then fastened a chain around the base.  J fired up the ATV and hauled it out of there.
The bottom branches had to be trimmed of, of course, as did a few feet of the bottom trunk. Now, how are we going to fit this in our living room?!?! 

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