Thursday, December 29, 2011

House Guests and Blizzards

Our friend H is going away for a few weeks and we get to hang out with his little dog Daisy, who is unbelievably adorable. She is less than half the size of Scooby; well, she used to be but in the past few months poor Daisy has packed on an extra pound or two.  Sadly, this translates to more than 10% of her body weight. So this visit is more than a holiday excursion for H.  For Daisy, it's a trip to the fat farm. 
She's doing well, so far, having walked up the road all the way to the cemetery and back, and all around our front yard.  On day two, it snowed and although Scooby loved it, bounding crazily all over the place, Daisy dislikes standing in the white stuff longer than required.  Her legs are so short that she has to tippytoe up just to pee on the snow.  Now when the door opens and we call the dogs, Scooby flashes past in a nano-second, but Daisy looks skeptically at me and waddles to the bottom step, does her business then climbs back up to the door and waits patiently to go back inside where it's warm and cozy.  Can't blame her, really.  
I scoop her up and carry her half way across the yard then let her down in the snow; she sighs and looks pleadingly at me, then trudges back to the porch.
The good news is that she's looking a bit more svelte and energetic.  She is learning how to sneak away with some of Scooby's kibble when we're not looking; she hides in her crate and it's the crunching noise that gives her away.  
Only 10 more days at the fat farm, Daisy! 

1 comment:

  1. Hawthorn Creek Fat Farm. that is way too scary especially with all that good baking happening. Poor Daisy who gets all the smells and none of the taste. Looks quite white there!! Keep warm.
