Friday, November 18, 2011

Diamonds are a girl's best friend ...

The main floor bathroom is in active renovation mode, after a few weeks of dormancy. The new tiles are a nice pale grey with a subtle pattern running through them, which will  provide perfect camouflage for muddy foot and paw prints and will hopefully reduce required mopping frequency.
They're set in a diamond pattern, which makes me very happy when I count the newly revised total number of diamonds in this house.  
 Coming up next:  grout.  Stay tuned.


  1. And after the grout, maybe a door. For those shy pee-ers.

  2. You will be so happy to have another bathroom! Glad to see things are moving forward. My old eavestroughs came down today--paint and roof next week. Progress is good :)

  3. It is true, diamonds are a girls best friend. Love the floor, love the pix you are posting, love the "hired" man whose work is impecable. Is the "throne" next..
    Bop and GT
