Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Front Hall Shoe Closet Couture

Voila!  Look at thees unfashionable front hall closeet.
 Eet ees in need of a make over.  Are you at ease with thees?
 Look at thees fashionable homme who can make us over.  He is very 'andsome.  N'est-ce pas?
Et voila!  Eet ees fantastique!


  1. C'est fantastique mais ou est la porte?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I knew something was missing! If I paid the contractor in more than lasagne and apple crisp, perhaps I'd have a door.

  4. Oh! It is so cute. Can a shoe closet be cute? did you find and one of kind shoes when you finally got them sorted off the floor. Yippie! One more job completed...love that man
