Sunday, December 4, 2011

December Decor

 These planters were filled with bits of nature that I found around our property: cedar, honeysuckle and dogwood, all growing wild in the ravine!  I snipped and pruned and made an awesome winter planter display.  How much would you pay for something like this?  Of course, the fine dusting of snow was the most difficult part, carefully placing it on one flake at a time.  Tedious work.

This yew in the front flower bed is growing really nicely and the snow made me think of chopping our own tree down soon.  Not this one!  We have lots of fir and pine and cedars in the front woods, and I have my eye on one.  Now to find the chain saw ...

1 comment:

  1. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...common' get singing. Beautiful display of Cavan's finest. Makes me happy:-) Well done.
