Sunday, January 9, 2011

Weekend Wandering and Getting a Grip

The sun was brightly shining and Scooby and I convinced J to bundle up and explore the snow with us. I grabbed the camera and my warm hat and we headed out.
In the past few weeks I've seen lots of coyote footprints in the area, and they
seem to be getting closer to the house. J spotted some just by the skunk shed, which is about 100m west of our garage.
We saw the creek but no prints of other animals except rabbits and squirrels and mice. No wild turkeys, no deer, no beaver ... could the coyotes be chasing them away?
J even risked walking on the pond. Frozen!! Get out the ice skates!

After our walk, we helped P put up the handrail for the stairs. He'd taken it down, sanded and stained it to match the floor. It used to be a reddish brown with a gleaming high-gloss finish. Now it looks sexy with a satin patina. A+ work!

Notice the fleece pants on the young carpenter's assistant. No, it's not a required uniform. It's a gift courtesy of our Texas kin that J has fallen in love with and hasn't removed in weeks!!!
Such a nice weekend. Whew. Back to work now!


  1. Wow! Lots of white, fluffy, snow. Your farm is an activity of learning experiences and adventure. J seems so much at home around the farm. P is lucky to have such a handsome assistant.
    GT and Bop
    ps good to see Scooby against all that white background....

  2. The snow is beautiful (we received a couple of inches yesterday, too)! Glad to hear the pants are a hit! :)

  3. The snow is beautiful. We even had a couple of inches, ourselves, yesterday!. Glad to see the pants are a hit :)
