Saturday, January 22, 2011


For some reason, dogs love slippers and Scooby is no exception. The second I take mine off, he's got his nose pushed right in all they way to the toes, and if we don't catch him in time, he's carried it away to a secret hideout to chew on it till his heart's content.
This time, though, he forgot to take it away to his bat-cave. He ripped it up in full view! Right there on the chair! Just look at that look on his face. He knows he's in for it. Good thing there were some new slippers under the tree at Christmas ...


  1. But mommy - it was your slipper and I thought it would keep you home with me. Anyway it still smells like your feet. Yum, yum!

  2. Where's that dog whisperer when you need him?
    He is just so cute...hang in there maybe this too shall pass lol!
