Saturday, January 8, 2011

Kitchen Finale

Every time I turn around, more and more details are finished in our kitchen. A few weeks ago, the backsplash, then the light rail. Yesterday the lights were installed (well, most of them) and they set off the gorgeous crown molding at the ceiling.
It is a kitchen fit for a king ... and queeen ... and, hey, we are the regents of this here Hawthorn Creek Farm, ain't we?

But a tall queen, I'm not. In fact, look at how I'm a wee bit shorter than S. I think the moment has finally arrived: he has outgrown me! And there's likely more growin' to be done.

1 comment:

  1. Bop says "who would ever have thought when we ripped out all that old crap this was the vision you had. It is fantastic".
    GT wants to know if she will be "looking up" at S? Can we just call him stretch?
