Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Winter Blah Blah Blahs ...

Only 5 more months till summer ... it'll fly by. Right? Right ... ?

Sunday, January 23, 2011


There are always little details that one can add to one's home if one desires to do so, to make it more attractive, more sellable or perhaps more homey. To finish the big cabinet under the peninsula, P added some funky trim, and now it looks like a high-end custom job! And check out these two helpers, framed!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


For some reason, dogs love slippers and Scooby is no exception. The second I take mine off, he's got his nose pushed right in all they way to the toes, and if we don't catch him in time, he's carried it away to a secret hideout to chew on it till his heart's content.
This time, though, he forgot to take it away to his bat-cave. He ripped it up in full view! Right there on the chair! Just look at that look on his face. He knows he's in for it. Good thing there were some new slippers under the tree at Christmas ...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Cold as a ...

Feel free to insert your own noun there, something that describes this hideous cold! This morning it is minus 29 and P is outside trying to start my car! This tundra is more than we signed up for, moving to this rural paradise. It's um, really cold out there! But Scooby loves it.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Practice makes perfect!
J is new at this sax thing and S is lending some advice.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Weekend Wandering and Getting a Grip

The sun was brightly shining and Scooby and I convinced J to bundle up and explore the snow with us. I grabbed the camera and my warm hat and we headed out.
In the past few weeks I've seen lots of coyote footprints in the area, and they
seem to be getting closer to the house. J spotted some just by the skunk shed, which is about 100m west of our garage.
We saw the creek but no prints of other animals except rabbits and squirrels and mice. No wild turkeys, no deer, no beaver ... could the coyotes be chasing them away?
J even risked walking on the pond. Frozen!! Get out the ice skates!

After our walk, we helped P put up the handrail for the stairs. He'd taken it down, sanded and stained it to match the floor. It used to be a reddish brown with a gleaming high-gloss finish. Now it looks sexy with a satin patina. A+ work!

Notice the fleece pants on the young carpenter's assistant. No, it's not a required uniform. It's a gift courtesy of our Texas kin that J has fallen in love with and hasn't removed in weeks!!!
Such a nice weekend. Whew. Back to work now!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Kitchen Finale

Every time I turn around, more and more details are finished in our kitchen. A few weeks ago, the backsplash, then the light rail. Yesterday the lights were installed (well, most of them) and they set off the gorgeous crown molding at the ceiling.
It is a kitchen fit for a king ... and queeen ... and, hey, we are the regents of this here Hawthorn Creek Farm, ain't we?

But a tall queen, I'm not. In fact, look at how I'm a wee bit shorter than S. I think the moment has finally arrived: he has outgrown me! And there's likely more growin' to be done.

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Boys in Blue

Is there anything better than playing games with your pal in a comfy chair when the snow is blowing outside and your house is warm and cozy? Is there any better way to spend New Year's weekend than with good friends?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Eddie the Eagle Flies Again

Remember Eddie, the incredible skier who gained fame during some Olympic games from years ago? Well, S & J channelled his skills today on the slopes, J on a snowboard and S on skis.

They were out there all day, from 10 am to after 4 pm, and they came home thoroughly exhausted. School starts in the morning, and this was an excellent way to finish off two weeks of video-games, movies and too many Pot-of-Gold chocolates.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Winter Duds

Scooby is well dressed for the wintery weather with his creamy white cozy sweater, courtesy of Grandma M, who wants our pup to keep warm while sporting an eye-pleasing ensemble. It's all the rage in Europe this season, dominating the catwalks during Fashion Week, and Scoob prances about proudly in it as he tears crazily across the yard after a squirrel.