Thursday, December 23, 2010

Two More Sleeps

The countdown has begun and I am dreadfully ill-prepared. The house is a mess because I've neglected to clean or tidy since September (or so), P is moving furniture to put baseboard trim, and he's also putting backsplash tile up in the kitchen.

Take a look at the mess. How on earth is everything going to come together in 24 short hours?!?! Tick ... tick .... tick ....

Look at the trim in the foyer and upstairs hallway. Amazingly gorgeous!

It's wonderful that P feels well enough to traipse up and down all the stairs to use the chop saw (or tile saw or mitre saw ... ) then climb back up again on his mending gam. It's also wonderful to see some more finishing touches in this house.

And then there was the last day of school, which was also my last day with my munchkins. We had pyjama day (with teddy bears of course) and we watched a movie and did some fun Christmas activities.

I'm going to miss them!

Tick ... tick ... tick ....
Yikes! I better get crackin'!

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness for messes that let us appreciate the hidden beauty underneath every mess. Your humble abode is truly your home now.
    Kitchen looks amazing!!
    GT and Bop
