Sunday, December 19, 2010

Chopping Down the Tree


The kids took it upon themselves to chop down the tree this year, due to P's leg and my lingering cough.

First, they bundled up and went in search of the chainsaw.

Second, they selected the best tree in the forest, and chopped it down.

Third, they took off their shirts and set it up in the living room like real men.

Ok, I can't continue the charade any longer! The truth is that they dug out a tree from the basement that we've been storing for Grandma M for years, and they constructed it in 2 minutes flat. Lovely! Fake trees don't smell as nice as fresh ones, but in a pinch, they do the trick pretty well!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see that tree and those wonderful handsome "men" that I proudly call grandsons. I could just reach out and hug them....
    Nice baseboads too...
