Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunday Snow

This morning dawned bright and snowy. I've been fighting a cold and have no energy for festive preparations, so the snow was a welcome excuse to stay inside and procrastinate effectively. Scooby was on board with the idea and took up residence on the back of the chair with perfect view of the white yard.

I couldn't ward off the guilt for the entire day, unfortunately. By late afternoon I convinced J to find the Christmas wreath in the basement and hammer it into the front door. One to-do checked off the list. Whew! The day has been somewhat productive!


  1. Good for J for hanging the wreath! Now to find a tree top...hmmmm.
    I bet this blog is to be continued when the tree is found.
    "cause we need a little Christmas, right this very minute"
    We can hear you all singing
    GT and Bop

  2. Hey J. How come you have clothes on? Love the smile....kisses
