Thursday, August 19, 2010

Before & After ... The Dining Room

If you stand in the living room and turn to admire the dining room, there's a lot to admire, especially if you do a side-by-side comparison of the before and after. The first picture was taken before we moved it, before the kitchen wall came tumbling down, when we were eating off the folding table and camp chairs. The second picture was taken moments ago ... I know it has that lived-in look about it, for the reason that it is lived-in. The kitchen/dining room is the hub of our house and we're in it all the time.And it's much more pleasant to be in it when it looks so gorgeous ... don't you agree?


  1. One word "AWESOME". Just missing a dog in the picture:(

  2. Or you could have had J in the photo too for comparison on how much he has changed. Looks nice!
