Monday, April 12, 2010

What a productive weekend! Not surprisingly, I can't take credit for any of it as I was away all day Saturday, but P and his friend A (and the kids, too) were busy at work, first replacing the fridge cabinet with the right-sized one and then putting up drywall on the hall side of the upstairs bathroom. I almost fell off my chair when I got home! Fantastic stuff! And while A was doing all this work, P got his MX engine purring like a kitten ... well, almost. It's still in pieces. Funny how productive weekend guests can be! Who's coming next? I hope you can handle a chainsaw and do mitre joints. I'll provide the merlot.

On a different note, wee Scooby had a special operation last weekend, one that will hopefully curb his enthusiastic friendliness (nudge nudge wink wink) and might result in barking of a higher pitch. He slept lots on Sunday and seems to be recovering smoothly.

I'm not too sure if I've thoroughly expressed my appreciation of our new shower. Just to clarify, I LOVE IT! LOVE IT! I look forward to getting out of bed now just so I can luxuriate in it ... it's better than I dreamed it could be (and believe me, I've dreamed of it with obsessive frequency every moment since last May!)

1 comment:

  1. Merlot? Where do I sign up. Can I work outdoors and attack some hawthornes... be home soon
    GT and Bop
