Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Growing Things

As you know (because I complain about it incessantly) there are lots and lots of things that still need to be done around the house. It's livable, there's no doubt, but half of the main floor flooring is old plywood, and we still don't have any trim around the windows and doors or a countertop in the kitchen.

In spite of the long "honey-do" list, we manage to find time to wander around our property to see everything there is to see. Having Scooby helps! The last few weeks of warm sunny weather have encouraged some growing things ... some pretty and some prickly. It tickles me to find delicate little blooms in a pile of long dried grass by the creek.

1 comment:

  1. It's a bloomin' garden. Can hardly wait to join you and the boys in a walk a bout.
    GT & Bop
