Friday, February 19, 2010

Scooby in the Snow

Scooby is settling in at HC Farm, sniffing all the animal tracks and adding his own. He's getting to know S & J and follows them from room to room. He's found his voice and does this eerie/cool whiny growly barky thing that sounds pretty funny.  

We're all getting more sleep and are a little less cranky (at least S told me this morning that I looked a bit less miserable.)  This adventure takes me back 13 years when newborn babies where the reason for monumental fatigue.  At least Scooby doesn't need diapers!


  1. AAHHHHH no diapers BUT...beware of those little surprises!

  2. Great day at the farm. Scooby is loving the snow. Can imagine S & J and one little puppy to grow with. Glad you are all sleeping better. Can hardly wait to give out gramma hugs.

  3. Oh my.....I am so happy that the boys finally have a BoWWoW.....and thanks for keeping this blog going all the time...I love to read it.
    xoxoxo and a big kiss on the lips for the BoWWoW Scooby.....
