Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Busy as a ...

Today while I was walking Scooby around the pond and creek, I spotted something on the other bank, something big and brown and I immediately paired it with the bear tracks P had spotted in the back field a few weeks ago.  Excited, I ran back home, dragging a bewildered Scoob through the fresh snow. My younger son, who was home ill with a fever and cough but is on the mend, had his winter boots on in a flash and we quick raced to the laneway on the other side of the creek to spot the unidentified creature up close.  J was careful to caution me on how to avoid a bear attack if it was indeed a brown bear or a mama bear in full protection mode (play dead).  All of a sudden we spotted it, a slow moving brown animal more than twice the size of Scooby, with a rounded back and a small head.  Luckily, I had my trusty camera!

Wow! Even though this critter could possibly cause the total destruction of our farm by backing up the creek and flooding all 85 acres of our property, I still think he's kinda cute. And this close he looks nothing like a bear.  But my confusion was understandable, right?  Right?


  1. OMG !! That is one big beaver. Your pix are awesome. Dad says it would make a great hat:)
    ps. glad J is on the mend.

  2. How do beavers make as pets? You should of brought it home to try since you are in pet collection mode?
