Thursday, March 14, 2013

Rec Room Reno ... Part Six

A productive day has come to a close, and the rec room is coming along quite well.

The outside temperature hit a high of minus 6 Celcius, which meant it wasn't much warmer in the uninsulated room without any heat.  In spite of the cold, the three amigos accomplished heaps:

  -  they cut 2x4s to wedge in the attic area to support the roof
  -  they climbed into the attic and wedged them tightly in place
  -  they moved all the used insulation to the ceiling of the garage area, so that (1) it doesn't go into a landfill, and (2) it helps insulate the garage.  Win-win!
  -  they wove wires around the joists, and P hooked up the pot lights
  -  they installed the wall outlet boxes

And some of them hung upside down like monkeys.

Now, at the end of the day, they can finally go and explore the second UPS shipment that arrived today.  Was it the power supply?  It was!  That makes one very happy monkey.

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