Sunday, March 10, 2013

Rec Room Reno ... Part Three

The sun came up early this morning!  Really, it did!  An hour early to be precise, due to Day Light Savings time, either switching to or from, I don't remember.

After rousing the kids and putting on our work clothes, it was after nine am!  Not a very promising start.

Here's the order of the day:

Step One:  Pull out nails from wall.  

Step Two:  Affix hat firmly to head and mask firmly to face. As boss yanks ceiling down, try not to shriek too girlishly when you see evidence of mice (nesty bits and poopy bits).   

 Step Three:  Carry ceiling pieces to back of truck to take to the dump. Do not step on nails.  As dust settles, day dream briefly about Florida sunshine.

 Step Four:  Toss demolition hat. Don chauffeur hat. Drive kids to job and bronze med class.  Do not think about mess.  Procrastinate the clean-up.  After all, tomorrow is another day.  Enjoy the late-setting sun tonight! Spring is inevitable.

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