Friday, January 13, 2012

S'Knowing What's Good For Ya

Snowmageddon?  Not quite, but the buses were cancelled and it was a snow day for the kids.  About 4 or 5 cm of snow fell, which meant that the lane way needed to be plowed. The weatherman is calling for the temperature to drop tonight, and if this slushy snow stays where it is, we could have frozen ruts that make lane an ugly mess for the rest of the winter.
 J to the rescue! Donning snow clothes and a warm pair of gloves, he fired up the ATV and plowed that snow out of the way.  It's a heavy snow, wet and messy and perfect for a snowball fight ... I think I'll go surprise J when he's looking the other way!  

1 comment:

  1. Scooby looks so angelic and just about the cutest puppy in the world. J is my hero today. Heading out into the cold of winter and on a snow day. Way to go J. Love you lots - GT and Bop
