Sunday, January 15, 2012

At the Fat Farm , er, Phat Farm

Well, it was a sad parting last week when Daisy left us to go back home. Scooby wandered aimlessly around the house, sighing and looking bereft, and my chair wasn't as warm when I sat down in it.  We visited Daisy yesterday and found out that the Fat Farm was successful!  She's down half a pound.  Half a pound may not sound like much, but considering she weights 10 lbs, that's 1/20 of her body weight.  If I lost 1/20 of my body weight, I'd feel pretty good about myself and likely resemble the person in the mirror (turned sideways, holding belly in).  So I hereby declare the fat farm adventure a success!  In fact, I'm thinking we should market weekends here at Hawthorn Creek Farm as the "Phat Farm" cuz it's so fun, er, Phun, here!  


  1. It didn't work for me when I was there. I think I gained 5 lbs in less than 24 hrs. Oh, I guess I can only eat dry food when I am there.

  2. ... and only half a cup of it a day! But all the water to you drink ... ha ha.
