Sunday, April 4, 2010

Thinning It Out

Most of Hawthorn Creek Farm is overgrown brush, with lots of cedars and hawthorns, and one of the on-going jobs is tidying up the brush, thinning out the bushes and generally making it look less like an abandoned property. All that's missing are three or four cars on blocks in the front yard.

As you can see from the "before" and "after" pics, it looks heaps better after the scrubby brush has been cleared out. We'll haul it to the fire pit and reduce it to ashes.

I couldn't resist posting the adorable photo of Scooby looking well rested after watching work all afternoon.


  1. Place is lookin' good! Seems like a beautiful day and scooby is ever so handsom sitting in the sun. Hope you all had a "hoppy" easter...
    GT and Bop

  2. Along with the cars on blocks how about a washing machine on the front porch...LOL!
    Just kidding, the yard is looking quite tidy.

  3. Boo hoo, I haven't been able to hug Scooby yet! Your land looks great, by the way!
