Friday, April 30, 2010

365 Days Later

It's hard to believe but it's been a full year since we bought the farm (so to speak), and I thought this was a perfect opportunity to show off the backyard comparison. First is a pic I took yesterday with some blooms that are growing by the harrow in the back area of the yard. It's so different from the second picture which we took almost 18 months ago when we first saw this place. There were hawthorns growing all over the yard ... hundreds of them. The TV antenna was an eyesore above the garage, the air conditioner was filling the second storey window and the power lines were still attached to the back of the house. With a long to-do list glaring at us from the bulletin board, pictures like these help to keep us inspired to keep on working. We have done so many renovations (and by "we" I really mean "P") to make this house a home and every morning when I take Scooby out for a morning pee I look around and admire the fresh air and trees and birdsong, I feel absolutely at home. What will the next year bring?

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