Friday, January 27, 2012

Have An Ice Day

It began with warnings on the radio.  A light drizzly spray came next.  Then, as the sun set, the drizzle transformed to a solid rain.  Finally, the temperature dropped.  Fast. When we woke this morning, it was to a glossy sheen on everything in sight: the porch was like glass, the front sidewalk impassible.  Scooby took an unintentional flying leap off the second step and cautiously crept around until he shot me a terrified look and tried to climb back up to the front door.  No luck! I had to rescue the shivering pup.  No surprise, buses are cancelled and it officially a SNOW DAY!


  1. You will have to start home schooling soon. How many snow days have you had so far??

  2. Gives a new meaning to that old song "Slip, Slidin' away".
