Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Hanging

 Progress in the powder room!  The door that we ordered before Christmas finally came in, so we picked it up and P and J put on their tool belts and hung (hanged?) it.  
 Scooby is perturbed that he can't wander in on whoever is using the facilities at will, like he did with the curtain.  Usually me.  Usually in a compromising position.  Usually when we had company.
Next, we have to prepare the vanity (yes! there will be a vanity!) and the tall towel closet (yes! there's one of those too!).  And by prepare I mean get out the Swedish-English dictionary.  Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It is all coming together. Hope the demo in the family room is waiting for me!!!! GT
