Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Better Way

 Say hi to Andy; he's putting in the main floor bathroom tile baseboard, to match the floor.  Why? Because we're putting up tile on the wall!  Just one wall, as an accent.
 Glossy white subway tiles.  Reminds me of Ossington Station.  In a good way.
 Reach for it!  Soon they'll need a stepladder.
 All done! Scooby inspects their work and gives it two paws up.  Excellent work!  Time for a bevvie.  Or four.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Makeover Day



An improvement?  Well, I adore the curly teddy bear look, but his fur gets matted and clumpy and it is uncomfortable for him, then he scratches and leaves little black fuzzy presents all over the floor.  He seems pretty happy with this 'do. I caught him admiring himself if the mirror.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Have An Ice Day

It began with warnings on the radio.  A light drizzly spray came next.  Then, as the sun set, the drizzle transformed to a solid rain.  Finally, the temperature dropped.  Fast. When we woke this morning, it was to a glossy sheen on everything in sight: the porch was like glass, the front sidewalk impassible.  Scooby took an unintentional flying leap off the second step and cautiously crept around until he shot me a terrified look and tried to climb back up to the front door.  No luck! I had to rescue the shivering pup.  No surprise, buses are cancelled and it officially a SNOW DAY!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Hanging

 Progress in the powder room!  The door that we ordered before Christmas finally came in, so we picked it up and P and J put on their tool belts and hung (hanged?) it.  
 Scooby is perturbed that he can't wander in on whoever is using the facilities at will, like he did with the curtain.  Usually me.  Usually in a compromising position.  Usually when we had company.
Next, we have to prepare the vanity (yes! there will be a vanity!) and the tall towel closet (yes! there's one of those too!).  And by prepare I mean get out the Swedish-English dictionary.  Stay tuned!

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Snow Arriveth!

Long anticipated and long overdue, the snow has finally arrived! Snowshoes work so much better when there's a good layer of the white stuff on the ground.  The only downside is that it gets all clumpy and matted in Scooby's fur, and is so hard to pick out! When he comes inside he looks like the abominable snowman then he chews the wee bits off his legs and paws and leaves small puddles everywhere.
 I love how snow covers the ugly.  It's beautiful.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Here We Grow Again

 The good old back-to-back comparison is a quick way to see how tall the kids are getting. P is counting the months until he's looking up at his eldest son.  It won't be long now.  And J is not far behind!  I fear that I'll be the shortest of the bunch, and ... I am grateful that there will always be Scooby to look down to.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

White After Labour Day

This morning dawned foggy and white. Spirits soared when I wondered aloud if buses would be cancelled, but a quick check brought us back to reality. Some routes further south were cancelled but no luck in our area ... 

It was eerie hearing a vehicle coming along the road and not being able to see it until the last minute.  Scooby was going nuts barking at everything.  It looks perfect for a Scooby and Shaggy adventure with the Mystery Machine.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

At the Fat Farm , er, Phat Farm

Well, it was a sad parting last week when Daisy left us to go back home. Scooby wandered aimlessly around the house, sighing and looking bereft, and my chair wasn't as warm when I sat down in it.  We visited Daisy yesterday and found out that the Fat Farm was successful!  She's down half a pound.  Half a pound may not sound like much, but considering she weights 10 lbs, that's 1/20 of her body weight.  If I lost 1/20 of my body weight, I'd feel pretty good about myself and likely resemble the person in the mirror (turned sideways, holding belly in).  So I hereby declare the fat farm adventure a success!  In fact, I'm thinking we should market weekends here at Hawthorn Creek Farm as the "Phat Farm" cuz it's so fun, er, Phun, here!  

Friday, January 13, 2012

S'Knowing What's Good For Ya

Snowmageddon?  Not quite, but the buses were cancelled and it was a snow day for the kids.  About 4 or 5 cm of snow fell, which meant that the lane way needed to be plowed. The weatherman is calling for the temperature to drop tonight, and if this slushy snow stays where it is, we could have frozen ruts that make lane an ugly mess for the rest of the winter.
 J to the rescue! Donning snow clothes and a warm pair of gloves, he fired up the ATV and plowed that snow out of the way.  It's a heavy snow, wet and messy and perfect for a snowball fight ... I think I'll go surprise J when he's looking the other way!  

Friday, January 6, 2012

Joke of the day

What do you say to a hitchhiker with one leg?

"Hop in!"

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The 11th Hour

As the Christmas holidays come to an end, P relaxes in his lovely new pyjama pants (gift from GM) and his new Tshirt (gift from his wonderful wife), snuggles up to Daisy the soon-to-be svelte terrier and Scooby, the jealous pup.  

Lately, Scooby has been acting more like Tigger and less like Shaggy's BFF, running and pouncing and being goofy.  Then, when he stops, he's out cold.  Exhausted!

P's heading back to work which will impact the renovation work that gets completed around the house, but at least we having a working second toilet!  The door is on order and is not yet ready; P rigged up an awesome curtain door that provides privacy and looks great, too. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Puppies, Pinatas and Patiner

 Daisy is looking great! Her increased activity combined with decreased food intake have improved her figure considerably. Friends came to celebrate the holidays and their dog Willow chased Scooby and Daisy around the pond. Later, the pups snoozed together (cue music: Ebony and Ivory).

To help ring in the New Year, a pinata was smashed to smithereens, and candy was spilled across the floor!  So fun!

The frozen pond was perfect for skating, and the skies contributed a few gentle snowflakes to make it a memorable New Year's Eve.