Monday, March 14, 2011

Update: March Break!

Last week was wonderful! Thursday was a snow day, and J stayed at home, scoping wildlife with camera in hand. He spied a masked varmint and snapped a bunch of photos while Scooby went berserk.
This particular raccoon has been spotted a number of times around the north part of the property, and Scoob follows him vigilantly whenever he's outside.

Inside, we dug some framed
pictures out of the basement (haven't seen them in years!) and found places to hang them now that the walls are painted and (most of) the trim is up. It's lookin' a wee bit homey.

1 comment:

  1. Nasty varmits, those masked critters. Glad you have Scooby to keep them away from the house. Great pix J.
    GT and Bop
