Thursday, March 10, 2011

Something old, something new

P did some painting for a friend this week, and the friend offered him a present: a TV!

Not just any TV, but a big TV. Really, really big. It's 36 inches, which is really difficult to remove from the back of the truck in the snowstorm!

Since we don't have cable, we watch almost no TV but we do watch lots of movies. And shows on the internets. So this present is a very welcome one.

The kids are playing some sort of racecar driving game right now and judging from the hooting and hollaring, this new toy is a huge hit.

I love surprises like this!!

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! the tv's just keep getting bigger and bigger at you humble abode. Can hardly wait to play Wii on that one. Great moving job P and S.
    GT and Bop
