Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Backyard Rearrange

In the corner of the yard under the tree there used to be a big fire pit that we built with cement blocks last year to burn all the debris around this place, but over the months of huge fires the cement blocks cracked and crumbled so we dismantled it (me & J), then we got rid of the ashes and raked it all up and dug it all and now it's ready for planting ... pumpkins, we think!

But where to have small fires to toast marshmallows and make s'mores?!?! Well, we solved that one: we made a cute little camp fire area with stumps to sit on. We tried it out and it's FANTASTIC!


  1. Looks like you are ready for campfires real soon. Weather is getting better and Bop and I are ready too. Might need a lawn chair or two.
    Great job!

  2. Watch Scooby doesn't get too close to the fire or you'll have a 'hot dog'...LOL!
