Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

At the dawn of a new year and a new decade, we have the opportunity to look over our shoulders and reflect on the roads we've travelled and gaze thoughtfully at the read ahead. 
For some,it's traditional to think forward and make plans or resolutions for the next year. This has been a year of adventure for us: selling our house, leaving the city and embracing rural life, driving tractors, chopping down trees, catching mice, driving the ATV, clearing brush, renovating the house, exploring our woods, racing motocross bikes, falling in the creek, using snowshoes, plowing snow, making friends, and appreciating our new home.  
What's next?  After such a full year, I can't image what's in store for us.  But I do have some hopes for excitement and fun, some things I've always wanted to do. While I don't like to think in terms of a "bucket list" (too cheesy) or "things to do before I die" (too morbid), I plan to spend some time with my list, adding, refining, checking off. And I'll be sure to carry my trusty camera and share it all on the blog!  
Looking forward.  Happy 2010!

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, to you all.
    Keep following your "BLISS"!
    I bless you with love and contentment!

    Auntie Mary
