Saturday, January 30, 2010

On Frozen Pond

We had suspected but weren't quite sure that our pond would freeze through; so we donned our skates and sent the kids out ahead of us.

And lo and behold, it's perfect for skating!

Neighbourly Love of Motorized Vehicles

Our 4-year old neighbour came over to show off her Christmas present and matching helmet, then she gave a ride to S & J!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Rock 'N Roll Ain't Noise Pollution

The rock 'n roll world is ripe for a new band and I've got just the one. They are currently practising in an undisclosed location, with two younger members on drums and keys while a veteran holds down the fort on bass. Keep your eye on this site for the launch of the itune download. WOOOO HOOOOOOOO!! 

(Is it just me or does one of the members bear an uncanny resemblance to Angus Young?) 

Winter Hike

While on a hike we saw a plethora of foot prints in the snow, and we had a fun time trying to figure out who they belong to.  Look at this big one!  P's boot is beside it for comparison.  And the next print is about a metre beyond this one; an impressive span!  I think Sesame Street is missing Big Bird.  There were so many criss-crossing trails of these prints.  Are they wild turkeys? A high traffic area.  What little critters do all these prints belong to?
Some are obviously rabbits, and I think some belong to a fox.  I have a footprint book packed away in a box in the basement somewhere, and I know I should dig it out, but I'd rather be out in the woods than in the basement ...


Take a look at this comfy wee seat for Elmer Fudd to sit in while hunting wabbits.  This is a few metres west of our property line, so I'll send a memo to the varmints to stay in the safer east regions.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Appreciation of Labour

Well, I know it's been a while since I blogged about beginning to help out with the tile work in the upstairs bathroom, but I can now say that (sigh) it's finished.  Mostly.  The tiles are in and grouted, but there is still a fair amount of labour to be done in wiping those tiles clean of grout dust. Three or four more times.

I have to admit that I have a new appreciation for what P does. It's a ton of work! All that careful fitting together of tiles, cutting them just so, making sure that the spaces between are straight and even and equal to all the other hundreds of spaces. He's so good at those details.  

Did I mention that this was done in addition to a full-time job?  Whew.  

I see a bath in my future ...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Number Two

We can hardly believe it but the chopped wood from our first load, which was a little less than two bush cords, has been reduced to ash!  A second load of wood was required, so we loaded up the Dodge Big Horn and trucked a half cord into the basement through the side window, using a neat contraption that a new friend donated to our cause: it's a half-pipe (sewer that is) that hangs in the window and fires the logs across the basement. Efficient and fun.

This should keep us warm for a while.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

For the Birds

In the spirit of biodiversity, which Jonah learned about from Peterborough Green-Up, we're trying to attract animals to our farm (other than coyotes), so the kids drank up all the pop, washed out the bottles and filled them up with birdseed.

Finding a place to hang them up was a bit of a challenge, but they worked for ages and finally found a perfect branch.  Now we wait and see!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Bathing in Glory

I am still thoroughly surprised that this tile work is the result of a combined effort: P and me! REALLY! I actually helped set the tile and stick in those wee little x's, and the tiles look like they're supposed to! Is this the beginning of yet another new career for me?! (This was under the careful tutelage of P, who offered guidance and advice while running tirelessly to the basement to cut the next tiles.) Next up: the shower wall.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sasquatch or Bigfoot?

I think it's a pivotal moment when one's eldest child's feet grow bigger than their mother's. Sadly, this happened recently, after I had purchased a new pair of winter boots for S which I had to return. Take a look at his big flippers!
Now, I am happy to tell you that there still are moments when I can claim to have the bigger feet ... hee hee!  I love these panda slippers!


Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

At the dawn of a new year and a new decade, we have the opportunity to look over our shoulders and reflect on the roads we've travelled and gaze thoughtfully at the read ahead. 
For some,it's traditional to think forward and make plans or resolutions for the next year. This has been a year of adventure for us: selling our house, leaving the city and embracing rural life, driving tractors, chopping down trees, catching mice, driving the ATV, clearing brush, renovating the house, exploring our woods, racing motocross bikes, falling in the creek, using snowshoes, plowing snow, making friends, and appreciating our new home.  
What's next?  After such a full year, I can't image what's in store for us.  But I do have some hopes for excitement and fun, some things I've always wanted to do. While I don't like to think in terms of a "bucket list" (too cheesy) or "things to do before I die" (too morbid), I plan to spend some time with my list, adding, refining, checking off. And I'll be sure to carry my trusty camera and share it all on the blog!  
Looking forward.  Happy 2010!