Friday, October 2, 2009

The back 40

The logging guys discovered an old split rail fence which serves as a property line of sorts; they figure it could be 100 years old. In places its quite overgrown and in others it's completely fallen apart.  

The logging guys have made a larger roadway through the property so that they can pull the logs out to the field where they've parked their wagon.  It's really opened up the woods, though, and we can drive the ATV all the way through to the river at the south end of the property.  

So far, they've taken down about 25 trees, mostly maple but some hemlock and pine have been cleared for the roadway.  The canopy is much more open in spots and the sunlight comes through beautifully.  I hope it'll help to dry up the boggy bits and let the smaller trees grow.


  1. Nice to see that sunshine in the once shady areas!

  2. It really gives one the feeling of being a pioneer and what they must have endured...
