Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloweenie gifts

Homemade cupcakes with spooky sprinkles for the neighbour's 4-year old ... the only trick-or-treater we can count on to ring the doorbell on Halloween.  
If there are any others, there's a cache of goodies to toss in their pillowcases, and I have a couple of volunteers to take care of the remaining treats.  

At long last

I cannot begin to tally the total number of hours we have devoted to looking through box after box in the basement trying to find the dvd and tv remote controls and various cables (which don't work without the remotes!)  

Finally, in a box labelled "hockey skates", P located the items in question, firmly establishing himself as my hero.  Yay!

Spooooky Preparations

S & J put in a few solid hours planning and carving and have produced some seriously scary Jack O'lanterns for this year's halloween festivities at the farm.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Morning Tardiness

Once upon a time there was a boy who dawdled every morning in his bed, ate his breakfast slowly and dressed himself in slow motion. His new cozy jammies simply made matters worse: he didn't want to take them off. Every morning the scene unfolds exactly the same as the previous one, with his mum cajoling and urging while he brushes his teeth with precision and ties his shoes with care. Every morning he looks for his jacket, his backpack and his hat while his mum taps a toe and looks at the clock anxiously. And every morning he runs down the lane and meets the school bus without a second to spare.  WHEW!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Must-Read Books

As a lady of leisure, I have been reading voraciously and I'd like to recommend a few to those of you who are looking for something good.

Little Bee by Chris Cleave  ... FANTASTIC!  Little Bee is an African girl who escapes horrors in her home country and flees to England, with considerable impact on a British family she encounters. And check out his first book called Incendiary which is also quite good.

The Incident Report by Martha Baillie ... a nice quick story based in Toronto, with recognizable landmarks.

The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood ... similar to Oryx and Crake but less bleak and equally well constructed.

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak ... meant for Young Adults, this story is narrated by Death and tells the tale of a young girl in Nazi Germany.  Stick through the first few chapters! It's worth it!

Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella ... outrageous, frivolous, and just plain silly, this book was hilarious and made me laugh out loud.  

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunny Afternoon in the Woods

We spent a while hiking through the south part of our property this afternoon, and we found a tremendous stand of maples at the end of a newly forged pathway (thanks to P and his chainsaw.)  Should we tap them for sap in the spring?   

Renovated Rec Room

So the room isn't really renovated (yet) but the tv is set up and we moved the cozy couch and the bookcase in.  It'll be much more comfortable to watch movies now!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ancient Ireland

There's a school project in the works in our house and it's on ancient civilizations, and the focus is Ireland! Any recommendations would be helpful!

Rock Band!

Look out, Steven Tyler!  Mick Jagger, you'd better retire!  Here's the latest band on the scene, caught practising in an undisclosed rural location in preparation for their world tour.  I don't know about you, but I'm going to be first in line for front row tickets!

Friday, October 16, 2009


I thought I could sneak in a cup of tea and a couple pages of my latest novel without getting caught, but I had underestimated the silent sneaking skills of adolescents who understand how to use the new camera without even glancing at the manual. So here I am, sitting on me *rse, not doing a thing to support the betterment of our living conditions.  But it was a pretty good chapter and a particularly excellent cup of orange pekoe!

School Soccer Tourney

In spite of the chilly temps, J and his team played with enthusiasm and perseverance and enjoyed a full day away from the classroom.  I sacrificed a day away from the job hunt & house reno to cheer on the sidelines.  Go Wildcats!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Is there anything better than freshly baked pie, roasted turkey and creamy mashed potatoes? Nothing, except sharing it with friends and family!  I'm thankful that we had all of the above this Thanksgiving.

In the back 40

Investigating the downed trees in the back 40, we decided that in spite of a bit of mess, there's so much more light, and once we get around to it, these tops can be used to fuel our house in the winter.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Dining bliss

The second time's a charm ... I found a light fixture that I really like (P wasn't sure but he's duly convinced!)  It looks pretty good and casts dainty and intricate shadows on the ceiling.  

We got our knobs!

It's so much easier to open the cupboard doors and drawers with the knobs and handles! And they look unbelievably gorgeous!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

In the trenches (Part 3)

All the rain yesterday left the lane a muddy mess.  There's still some tractor work left: grading and smoothing to make it more even and easy to drive on.  Now we're ready for Hydro One to come and do their part.

Top of the mornin' ... er, afternoon

We picked up a load of topsoil and topped up a few new gardens in the backyard.  Now to decide what to plant ...!

Friday, October 9, 2009


Our dining chairs were in need of a fresh coat of paint, so I picked out "oregano" satin finish and went crazy!  The colour is rich (if a bit dark) and has a bit of a metallic sheen.  What do you think?

In the trenches (Part 2)

The trench had to be 36" minimum depth, which meant a bit of hand digging with a shovel.  Then, a rope had to be drawn through the PVC conduit so that when Hydro One appears with their wire, it can be pulled back through, from the road all the way to our house, which is over 100 metres. It was a daunting task, but we found a bottle, filled it with gravel and taped the rope to it. When it was fed through the tube, it fell easily to the other end and didn't catch on anything.  After that, P glued all the pieces together.  But rain was in the forecast ... would we be rained out, with a huge mess of mud on our hands?  Stay tuned ...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ode to a Fly

O Fly

In the trenches (Part 1)

Let the digging begin! As you might recall, we've been working with Hydro One and NAV Canada to determine how best to remove some poles and lines that aren't to code and how to bury the line to our house. After months of negotiations, we came to an agreement and have started to take action.  

Counting the rings

Is this the oldest tree in the forest? Not even close! The loggers took a few big trees and left many that are even bigger, so that they can sow their seeds and more maples will sprout.  This one was more than 60 years old!

Harvest of the corn

It was a wonderful year for corn on the cob and we enjoyed lots of it with some friends, courtesy of Grandma who is an expert at finding the best corn in the hood.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Happy Bday to my better half!

Another birthday so soon after the last at our house! These three in quick succession have left me too full of chocolate cake, but my oh my it sure was deeeeeelicious.  

Hands-on Wildlife

J is so good at spotting and catching the local fauna and sharing it with animal-loving friends. Just look at those adorable kids learning all about snakes.