Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The light that never was

This light looked great on the RONA website, so I ordered it and waited patiently until they finally called for me to pick it up.  With excitement, I helped (watched) P set it up, giving verbal encouragement and complimenting his expertise at leveling ... which is where I stopped dead.  This light isn't level!!  And the construction is so cheap that it's not possible to level the shades ... I returned it yesterday.  


  1. wise decision grasshopper. Do you think you will paint the chairs (maybe black) sometime so they go with the rest of the decor. Just a suggestion. Maybe you could invite some friends to help sand and then paint them. Again, just a suggestion.

  2. Yikes, good decision to take that back. Can hardly wait to see the next one...

  3. Good suggestion to paint the chairs. I'd LOVE to get some new ones, but painting might just be a good short term solution ... must put it on the to do list!
