Monday, September 21, 2009

Cornering mishap

The motocross champ of the week took a corner at top speed, risking life and limb, only to lose out to gravity.  Left ankle swollen, S bravely agreed to forego school for medical analysis. The local medical centre found us so interesting and stimulating they kept us there for 8 hours and sent us home with an air cast, crutches and strict instructions to keep off it for a few weeks.


  1. OMG!!! Poor "S"....pretty hard to "catch air" wearing the new foot and leg gear!
    I hope it isn't too sore for too long!!!

    Hugs and Kisses....

    Auntie Mary

  2. Glad to know everything is okay. It was a nasty spill with lots of dust and dirt flying.
    GT and Bop

  3. Better stick to school and Rockband for a while. Hope you heal quickly.
