Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pot on the farm

Peter spent all day on the pot lights in the kitchen, which will one day shine upon the glorious countertop (granite? limestone? quartz? plywood?) and finished cabinetry.  I'm SOOOOOO looking forward.
Also, check out the nice panel on the back of the peninsula cabs in the foreground.  Nicely done.

Sunrise experimentation with new camera

I couldn't resist this picture and ran for the cam as the sun was coming up at 6:15 ish this morning, fighting it's way through the clouds and fog.  Still practising ... be patient!

I can see a rainbow ... on S's ankle

Hospital visit again: at the fracture clinic they clarified that it's actually a growth plate strain, which I take to mean that if he were not still growing, his ankle would be in pretty bad shape, but since the bones are soft and not fully fused, and were in perfect alignment at the time of the impact, he's postioned well for full recovery in 3-4 weeks.  But feel free to call him Gimpy for a while!

CSI fridge

If ever a crime was commited in my kitchen, Gil Grisham would be able to do a visual fingerprint analysis right off the stainless steel fridge.  

Why oh why do they look so nice in magazines and so dirty in my kitchen ?!?!?!

The light that never was

This light looked great on the RONA website, so I ordered it and waited patiently until they finally called for me to pick it up.  With excitement, I helped (watched) P set it up, giving verbal encouragement and complimenting his expertise at leveling ... which is where I stopped dead.  This light isn't level!!  And the construction is so cheap that it's not possible to level the shades ... I returned it yesterday.  

Silly dish drying with crutches

Although I really don't think this requires any explanation, I do want to say that in spite of S's ankle injury, he's willing to help wash & dry the dishes.  Once we get the water softener set up, manual work won't be necessary.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Neighbours

Our closest neighbours were peeking at us through the fence, but they ran away when I approached them.  Shy?  Stand-off-ish?  Don't speak our language?  This merits further investigation.

Tree Hugging

Some old loggers asked if we'd be interested in having them chop a few maples in our back woods and we agreed to one load, and they've cut a wider path for us, taking out some saplings for their skid all the way back to the river. Although it initially looks like lots of devastation, it opens up the canopy, dries up the forest floor and allows for smaller things to grow.

11 Year Old Birthday Bliss

Could he possibly be eleven already?!?!  He had a fantastic day, eschewing the traditional cupcakes for the class in favour of a store bought Truffle Royale cake which he's been dreaming of for months.

Farm Girl

I really like this pic that GT took with the new camera! It makes me look like I've been working hard in the garden. In reality, though, GT and Bop have been the muscles behind the operation, digging and raking and burning and trimming and sawing and stacking ... getting rid of those nasty hawthornes and vines.  They're the best kind of guests!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Trophy life

J got his first trophy at the race! GREAT RIDING! It was a beautiful sunny day and he rode his heart out, kicking up clouds of dust and roosting those unfortunate riders behind him.  With a gracious nod to the spectators, he zoomed past, gaining the admiration of all.  A trophy well earned!

Cornering mishap

The motocross champ of the week took a corner at top speed, risking life and limb, only to lose out to gravity.  Left ankle swollen, S bravely agreed to forego school for medical analysis. The local medical centre found us so interesting and stimulating they kept us there for 8 hours and sent us home with an air cast, crutches and strict instructions to keep off it for a few weeks.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Trying out the new camera

This blog is really going to reap the benefits of my birthday present! Here are some test pics. Thanks Mom & Dad!! 

Wood, Wood, Wood!

The weather has been so great for sawing, splitting & stacking the wood that'll keep us warm till spring.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Burning the midnight toil

Getting rid of the hawthorne trees and bushes is proving to be quite the time consuming and dangerous chore!  Those nasty thorns are sharp! And they get you when you least expect it.  We've been burning them in the fire pit in the back yard and last night the sun went down before we were finished.

School mornings

These past mornings we've been lucky to have the luxury of time to hang with S&J as they get ready and run off to their school buses. The sun has been shining every day and the early fog lingers as the bus stops at the end of the drive. One morning we saw a herd (or gaggle) of wild turkeys in the hay field next door.  If you zoom in, you can see them peeking their little heads up above the straw.

They Say It's Your Birthday!

... and it is!!  I won't admit to the specific year, but this surely is my special day.  I'm making a deeee-licious meal for dinner and my present is that no one will complain about it!  Butter chicken and spinach and naan and merlot ... sigh.  It simply doesn't get any better.  

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tinkling the ivories

How great is kijiji??  P found this piano!  Free!
We rustled up some piano movers and voila!  We can tinkle the ivories till the cows come home!

How much wood can a woodchuck chuck?

With our new combination furnace (wood/electric) we need heaps of wood to get us through the winter.  We ordered some wood, and it's still in logs.  Check it out!

Take a look at the dry wood (almost a full bush cord) stacked at the ready in our basement!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of School

Butterflies in the stomach, unable to eat breakfast, wondering how this day would unfold ... first day of school jitters!  But that's just for me.  S & J were unfazed, hungry and eager to tackle the day.

Fishing for compliments

Fishing on labour day was productive and relaxing!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Glorious summer garden

Lots of blooms in the front garden!  

Friday, September 4, 2009

Taking a break

The boys are taking a break from house work (unpacking boxes in the kitchen), prepping their bikes for this weekend's festivities, and enjoying the gorgeous weather.

Living in the living room

It's beginning to look and feel cosy and homey in the living room now that we have most (not all) of our stuff here.  As you can see, J is exceedingly enthusiastic about it.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The old kitchen

Remember this?  
Which one do you prefer?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Penninsulas from heaven

The last leg of the kitchen construction is complete. There are of course little things like the countertop and the toekick that need fine tuning (ie installation) and the sink and taps will eventually be replaced.  But let's take a moment and admire it, shall we?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Cabinets R Us

Take a look at this awesome kitchen! Upper and lower cabinets are in, as a result of the efforts of P and A. Next up will be the penninsula area and the countertop.