Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Getting Rid of Porky

Well, since the porcupine moved in to the front pine tree, we've been trying lots of methods to encourage him (or her) to move out.  First, I tossed stones up at him but I never actually hit the target (as the kids can attest, I am not a good thrower).  Then, J got the hose, but the pressure wasn't strong enough to hit high enough on the tree.  Then, we got the slingshot, with which I almost busted both my front teeth until I figured out how to work it, but again, my shot was pretty far off.  Meanwhile, J had dug out a few water shooters (formerly known as waterguns) and he had some luck hitting close to the rodent, but it began to get windy and poor J was getting soaked.  

Then P came home and showed off some impressive slingshot skills, thumping that poor animal in the ribs.  He moved up a few branches (the porcupine, not P) but stayed put in that tree.

We slept on it, not sure what to do next, and this morning, the wee critter is nowhere to be found!  I hope that doesn't mean he (or she) is loose in the yard, waiting to terrorize Scooby when I'm not looking.  What to do??

1 comment:

  1. All in all a pretty eventful day at the farm. So who needs excercise when there are so many critters to reek havoc on. Can hardly wait to get armed and get there. GT and Bop
