Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Show Me The Weigh

For the past, oh, 20 years or so, P has wanted a bathroom scale but I always pooh-poohed the idea, claiming that the money could be better spent, like on a 5 lb bag of wine gums, for instance.  So whenever we visit friends who have a scale, P is on it like a fly on manure, and this past weekend was no exception.  Within minutes of saying hello, P had ferreted out the scale and jumped on it with abandon.  Coincidentally, on arriving back home, not only had Grandma made a lovely pork roast with all the fixin's, but she surprised us with a bathroom scale of our very own!  (Super boxing day sale ... I love this time of year!)  And now, should you come to visit Hawthorn Creek Farm, you'd surely find us weighing ourselves at least three or four times a day, before meals, after meals, before and after drinking a huge 20 oz glass of water, whenever we have a spare moment.  It's kinda like a new family board game!


  1. Does the scale talk to you? Hope it does not say "one at a time please!"

  2. Love the wine gums comment! I didn't know Peter wanted a scale so badly; he could have had ours!!! xoxo
