Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Latest Action from Hydro One - Part 4

One day our yard will cease to remind me of a war zone, with its leaning poles and remnants of wires, and I truly hope it's not too far in the future. At least the wire's been coiled up and isn't loose in the grass like a big snake ready to scare the poo out of me.


  1. Can your life get any more exciting? Wow! finaling getting a group of men to decide on completing one tiny project...takes one really great women. Well done!!!

  2. Did you need to carry a big stick or just wave coffee in front of them??

  3. Why did you have to get all the hydro changed?? was the old line unsafe or did it just need an upgrade???
    am glad you have caught up coz I was lost for a coule of days when you didn't post anything, I was wondering what had happened to you all.
    I insist you do this daily Dee, I find it fascinating...... are you guys planning on getting cross country skis for the long winter?
    or a couple of snowmobiles?? even better....
    Piero would probably be tempted to come and visit then!
