Sunday, May 6, 2012

High Fliers

When the phone rang I didn't imagine that we'd be 2000 feet in the air before the day was through, but that's exactly what happened. A friend with an airplane was coming to our local airport in a Cessna Skyline so we piled in the car and met him there. Other friends were staying with us (check out cutie C with S&J) and they came too. It was so gloriously sunny and clear, a perfect day for flying. We killed some time waiting for the plane to arrive, rolling around on the grass and climbing rocks.
Then we climbed into the little plane and put on the headphones. The engine roared, the plane shimmied, we lifted off ... !!  My stomach lurched, my head swam, then I totally got wrapped up in looking down and trying to identify the places I knew, and I completely forgot about barfing.  
 J loved it! 
The view of the city was amazing! Seeing the farms and creeks and schools from above was so interesting and thrilling. It all looked like a miniature play set, complete with cows and cars and other planes flying around us.  What a wonderful adventure!  

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is too amazing. How wonderful for all of you. We love the pix and hearing about your Sunday adventure..
    GT and Bop
