Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Awesome YouTube Video!

I love this video and I really encourage you to take a look.  


I'm going to plant a huge garden and grow heaps of yummy fresh healthy organic food and invite everyone to come and feast here at the farm!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Powder Room At Last

With the sink vanity and tower cabinets purchased and assembled, the end is near! There's light at the end of this tunnel!  P installed all the plumbing, tested it and found it to be leak-free, and then installed (or re-installed) the toilet.  A second toilet is so very useful in a house of teenagers!
The cabinets are from IKEA and are floating, so P built in extra bracing in the wall, which is still open on the other side in the family room.  It'll be nice and easy to vacuum under them, to gather up those dust bunnies before they get out of hand.
 Here's P, cutting twice and measuring once. Or is it measure twice ...?
The final touches, aside from trim around the window, are the light fixture (I have my eye on one from Home Depot) and a mirror over the sink.  Any suggestions?
Oh, it was so nice to unpack more bathroom goodies from boxes in the basement and put them where they belong in a brand new drawer.  Heavenly!

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Emptying out the furnace ashes is usually no problem, when the ground is frozen and dry. Even a bit of rain like the weatherman predicted would have been pretty easy.  But, it started to snow this morning. And snowed. And snowed.  And then, with about 10 centimetres on the ground, the sun finally peeked out a little, encouraging some youngsters to come out and play.
 First, they shoveled off the porch and the front steps, but then they were lured by the perfect packing snow, and soon a snowball fight broke out, with teams being formed and reformed by the minute.  

 Look out!  While two are cheesing for the camera, the third is loading his guns.

Busted!  They stopped him in the nick of time! 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

It's All in the Details

The past few days have been busy around the farm, with us picking out a paint colour for the powder room, and by us I mean P.  It's called "On the Rocks"; I love the name, but it makes me thirsty.

 So, while P is cutting in the paint in the corners, I am busy rearranging the newly-covered pillows for the livingroom.  I googled an "easy-to-sew" pattern for pillow covers, and whipped up one in red and one in an interesting mix of gold and red and sage green that I found on sale last week.  Now, if you know me, you know that I am hopeless, really, truly hopeless, with a sewing machine, and even the "easy-to-sew" patterns turn into complicated messes with heaps of hanging threads all gooped together in dripping knots.  So, undertaking this project was quite adventurous for me.  And I did it!  The pattern in a fold-over style not unlike Ikea pillow cases.  Easy. 
 And while P is rolling on the first coat, I'm sitting back enjoying my finished masterpieces.  Hmmm.  Perhaps I'll try quilting next.