Sunday, October 30, 2011

Traipsing in the Falling Leaves

It must be fall: the combines are in the fields, frost is decorating the weeds and the mosquitos have finally ceased their attack.   

The winter garb has been freed from the basement storage and is ready to keep us warm on our long backyard ramblings.

Coyote, wolf or a combination thereof?
And is that a poor rabbit who has left his prints in flight from a gnarly-toothed predator?

 Tarzan would be proud of J's foray into tree swinging!
(His yodel could use some practise ...)

 Scooby sat still for about a second during our walk; he loves running free in the leaves and sunshine.
 Do you see a soaker in his future? Well, he confidently crossed the makeshift bridge and landed safely on the other side!  Mission accomplished.
 This print is larger than it appears. Yikes!  With those claws I'm heading the other way.

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