Monday, August 1, 2011

Rock & Roll and Freezies

A dirty, messy job that we've effectively avoided for far too long is the painting of the new upstairs doors. The door knobs can't be put on, even though they're ready in boxes on top of the bookshelves in the office, until the doors have been painted. Well, they could be but then you'd have to take the knobs off to paint them, adding yet one more step in the over-procrastinated process. Right now the doors are hung, but are knob-free; instead we're using an innovative approach of old socks tied through the knob-hole which serves the double purpose of enabling the door to remain closed on a windy night and to block the view from curious passers-by.

So, S is now the official door-painter in the basement, giving each door two thorough coats before P re-hangs them upstairs and brings down a few more. This assembly line is working pretty well. S's teenage biological clock gets going around mid-day and allows him to work all afternoon with just blaring rock-n-roll and freezies for sustenance.

1 comment:

  1. I would plant a kiss on his cheek with each freezie!! Great job S. The new door knobs will surprise Scooby too... GT
