Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring Spheres

In my search for an Easter-themed Visual Art project for my class, I came across some seemingly simple yet interesting eggs made of heavy thread (or light yarn) and coated with liquid starch to help them hold their spherical shape. I had my guys at home test drive the process, and after much mucking about with gobs of gluey paste and sticky yarn, we determined that the yellow yarn/thread would work the best. Cross your fingers! I'm teaching it tomorrow to 24 much younger artists who have a combined attention span of about 11 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Love it! Completed this a few times with gr. 3's and 2 parent volunteers. We wound yarn around balloons using paper machae glue.
    Popped the baloons next day and walla! Eggs....
    have fun it is a blast.
