Saturday, November 27, 2010


The big Friday night storm turned out to be not-so-big, but we're still left with a few inches on the ground and drifts around the house. At times this morning it was blustery and visibility was near impossible. It's putting us in a Christmas spirit! Perhaps we should go out and chop down a fir tree!
Scooby was a bit indifferent with the snow but he soon gained confidence and left in great huge leaps all around the drifts. He was covered in snow, but by the time I grabbed the camera it had started to melt off him.


  1. He is sooooo darn cute. I can just see him romping around in the snow with his brothers:)

  2. Glad to see Scooby enjoyed all the snow Auntie Mary sent your way....we don't have any and feeling a little disappointed!...LOL!
